
Festival Program

All classes included with entry.

Nelson Saturday 16th March

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YOGA SPACE ONE - Energy Centre
YOGA SPACE ONE - Energy Centre
Vinyasa Flow Yoga
8:45 am - 9:45 am
Jo Wilcox

Vinyasa is connection of breath and movement; each movement is synchronized to a breath, flowing from one pose to the next.The first half of the class we practice round after round of Sun Salutations, holding a variety of low lunges, high lunges and Warrior poses within them. This practice increases the vital energy in your body and is a good cardiovascular exercise. We then move to floor poses including; twists, forward bends, back bends. The class is concluded with a 10 minute guided relaxation, where all your stretching, strengthening and detoxifying will integrate into your body. You will hopefully leave the class feeling energized but calm, relaxed and focused.

Bliss Yoga (Yoga Therapy)
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Audra Saunders

Between the practices of Yin Yoga & Yang Yoga, Restorative Yoga & Power Yoga there is another style of practice that leads its practitioners into the Sattvic state of Equilibrium, Balance and Harmony. “Bliss yoga” is a mindful, breath centred practice with gentle explorations of movement that create a feeling of deep peace, relaxation, and contentment... Pure Bliss!It develops: • mental clarity and emotional calm, • physical freedom and relaxation and • balanced & sustained energy levels. In Bliss practices students are encouraged to move at their own pace, in their own way and to explore the sensations in their own body. There's no-one else to please, no-one to keep up with and no-one to impress. It's all about each individual’s well-being. Bliss Yoga may be practiced by anyone who can Breathe. I have been using these practices both personally and in my Therapeutic Yoga Clinic for many years now with people from all walks of life, people with all manner of medical conditions and all manner of Co-morbidities. This subtle style of practice is inclusive and has powerful and long-lasting effects when used regularly.

Tantric Hatha Flow
11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Brooke Lila Devi

Join Brooke for an all levels yoga journey which allows you to move beyond the body and into the energetics of asana. We explore the elements and embody their subtle gift through shape, sound, mudra and breath.

Kundalini Yoga, Meditation & Mantra
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Soreya James

Kundalini Yoga & Meditation, otherwise known as The Yoga of Awareness takes you on a journey within, A Kundalini Experience tapping into the inner realms of wisdom and awakening the ten light bodies of consciousness.  During this 90 minutes you will be taken on a journey through the chakras, purifying the obstructions to life and landing you in your heart to send out to the world.

Yin Flow
2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Cam MCleay

Cam says 'this will be bliss, welcome to some intelligent yoga, a gentle yin-yang style practise that focuses on subtle, yet powerful movements, feeling into your body and calming your mind.' In his seventh decade and still catching epic waves before breakfast ... Cam will share some of his go to flows for vitality, longevity and deep peace. This gentle breath led practice is accessible for all bodies and you will leave feeling more energised, resilient, connected, inspired, relaxed and most importantly OH SO GOOOOOD.

Cacao Ceremony for Self-Love: Embracing All Of You
3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
Monique Carmela

Discover the 3 secrets to cultivating unconditional self-love and embracing ALL of yourself. A heart awakening embodiment journey, incorporating ceremonial cacao, conscious connected breathing, inner child work, and meditation.I invite you on a journey into the depths of your being and heart space, to connect with the parts of you that most need your love and acceptance at this time. In this ceremony we journey with the sacred medicine and Grandmother Spirit, Cacao, supporting us to come home to our authentic selves, to embrace and love all of ourselves unconditionally so that we can thrive in life and have the most magical journey here on earth.

Zen Warrior Yoga
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Erin Zen Warrior

Erin Zen Warrior has 20 years experience in all forms of calisthenic movement, postural correction and rehab. This class honours the yoga body of today. Combining Yang activations from various movement modalities with longer yin poses to get deep into the stretch. More hypermobilie bodies will be guided to stabilise and activate through all postures.

Vinyasa Fun
10:15 am - 11:15 am

A chance to connect to your own inner strength and inner child like playfulness through the establishment of core engagement and breath. Expect to come away with clear insights to engage bandha, breath and connection, to support you in your every day life and practice.

Yoga Nidra & Sacred Soundscape
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Kate Mcleay

The Power of You. Join Kate for a deep dive into relaxation and rejuvenation with a supremely restorative Yoga Nidra (guided relaxation) and Sacred SoundScape. Featuring a wide range of Tibetan Singing Bowls including the remover of obstacles the Grand Ganesha Gunapatiyea. Clearing and cleansing. Healing and strengthening the best bits of you - your courage, compassion, love, loyalty and joy. Then gathering the power that is you to send this out to those you love and those who need your love. Celebrating and honouring the power that is you.

Journey into the Heart
12:45 pm - 1:45 pm
Samantha Blanchard

The Sioux Indian proverb says the longest journey you will ever make is from your head to your heart - how lucky are we that yoga provides the pathway, and we may emulate the intention to make that journey by feeling our way in. In this session we will mindfully journey from the edges of our physical body into the centre our hridayakasha, the space of the heart, sharpening our awareness of our feelings and emotions, and settling into a space of calm in the centre of the chest to finish in silent stillness and concentration. Samantha Blanchard trained in Rishikesh, India where she met her teacher 5 years ago. She has stayed in regular remote contact with her teacher, Sushant Pandey, for sessions of satsang, since returning to New Zealand. Her studio, Heart Space, is located in Golden Bay.

Power Vinyasa Fusion
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Helen Guissane

Helen will take you through a Baptiste based power vinyasa practice interwoven with some breathwork and she may even pop in a kundalini meditation at the end. The practice will be weaved around a theme at the subtle and physical levels. Helen has been teaching power vinyasa and other modalities since 2009 and originally trained in the Baptiste style in 2006, in Washington DC. She is currently studying Kundalini with Soreya James and enjoys bringing the two together in her classes.

Settle Into Stillness
3:15 pm - 4:15 pm
Kelly Gill Brydon

A gentle and nurturing yoga session.

Heartfelt Flow
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Kotte Aguilar

Come with an open heart and mind. In this flow we’ll focus on the upper body, creating room across our chest area, moving purposefully with intention and attention to our heart area. A heartwarming sequence to leave you feeling uplifted and invigorated.

Pranayama & Hatha Yoga
9:15 am - 10:15 am

Join Seitka-Ra for an hour of Pranayama and Hatha Yoga that will shift your energy, breath and body. Please bring your yoga mat and, if you have one, a yoga block and blanket.

Mountain Vinyasa Flow
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Laura Marten

Breathing & Somatic Yoga
11:45 am - 12:45 pm

Breathing & Yoga Classes include a wonderful balance of gentle somatic & yoga poses, breathing exercises and tools, and deep rest / mindfulness. The movements are simple yet profound yoga asanas & somatics helping you to release tightness & enhance your sense of inner awareness while enjoying & honouring your own uniqueness. Learn how breathing well transforms tension patterns & stress buildup while freeing your natural breathing with gentle, safe & scientific breathing methods. This class will finish with a deep rest in savasana or however you are most comfortable to nurture yourself through guided relaxation & stillness, deepening your inner peace & presence. All are welcome.

Embodied Healing, Yoga for Trauma
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Jen Holmes-Beamer

Jen facilitates group yoga therapy programs in Nelson for survivors of sexual violence and abuse. As an internationally accredited yoga therapist and TC-TSY facilitator, Jen offers a body-oriented class integrating Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TSY) and Yoga Therapy specifically developed to support healing from symptoms of complex trauma, PTSD and mental health challenges. A series of gentle breath and movement practices provide opportunities to notice sensations in your body and make choices based on how you feel. The focus is on re-connecting with inner sensations (interoception) and building a connection to your body to support healing from trauma.

Bodylight® Mindful Yoga Pilates Qigong
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Jana Sojka

Description: Bodylight® is a method that weaves together ancient Yoga knowledge with contemporary Pilates exercises and principles and Qigong meditative flowing movement. When the mind is present in the breath that leads to the mindful, safe, and comfortable movement or transition, we establish a mind-body-breath connection and enhance motivation for wellness and a pain-free body. The body is the temple that caries the soul, caries the worries and joy, ease and dis-ease, how can we find a balance? Join this mindful Bodylight® session and find out yourself.

YOGA FOUR - Church
YOGA FOUR - Church
Happy Hatha Habits
9:30 am - 10:30 am
Sam Pearson

This class is for everybody but especially anyone in the second half of life that would like a reminder of some ways to fit in essential mobility practices. We’ll move through a Hatha flow suitable for all levels, with an emphasis on simple but effective shapes to keep the body mobile as we age

11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Jonelle Watson

Offering Kirtan, I will guide those to come into a state of BEING-ness. Sharing a collaboration of Mantra that I love, am most passionate about, & hold close to my heart.Singing simple Sanskrit mantras is a means to integrate the knowledge of joy & freedom into our direct experience. One's entire being can be transformed.My intention is to bring people together, calling upon Ancient Yogic Techniques & Sound for sacred communion with the inner self. An experience & uplifting practice that opens the heart, calms the mind & harmonizes the body.

hula hoop dance
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Laura Warters

Unlocking new movement through hula hoop dance- All levels of skill are welcome to join as we delve into hoop dance skills that will loosen you up, offer fun flowy ways to move & help to build brain-body connections.

Women's midlife yoga & menopause wellness workshop
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Ann Wicken

With her extensive knowledge and experience, Ann is eager to share her expertise with the attendees of the Nelson Yoga Festival. Her women's midlife yoga and menopause wellness workshop aims to provide a safe and nurturing space for women to explore their bodies, minds, and emotions during this transformative phase. Through a combination of gentle yoga practices, breathwork, meditation, and informative discussion, Ann will guide participants towards greater self-awareness, acceptance, and empowerment.

Nelson Sunday 17th March

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Yoga-lates fusion.
8:45 am - 9:45 am
Kim Churton

Dynamic Flow
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Christine Gardiner

This practice invites us to move dynamically to find our optimal blueprint and in doing so recognize the truth of our heart. It invites us to take the practice of yoga off the mat and into everyday life.

Nourishing Yin
11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Kelley Oliver

Indulge yourself in 60 minutes of beautiful yin yoga where we will mindfully stretch the whole of our bodies through a sequence of nourishing shapes. It’s my hope you will join me in this practice and leave feeling more calm, present, grounded, and centred!

Dance like no one is watching
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Erin Zen Warrior

The Moon Sequence
1:45 pm - 2:45 pm
Tiffany Fleetwood-Bird

The Moon Sequence - Chandra Krama is a slow, meditative vinyasa flow, combining yin yoga with vinyasa. This is the first of Matthew Sweeney's Vinyasa Krama sequences. Tiffany is one of his senior teachers & the only person in the South Island teaching this style of yoga.Chandra Krama is sattvic; balanced between active and passive, with emphasis on the releasing tension held in the hips & lower back.​The sequence leaves you centered, grounded & peaceful. The perfect way to wind down & integrate your experiences at the Nelson Yoga Festival.Open to all levels.

Going Yinwards
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Camila Nieuwlands

Discover and embrace the watery elements of yoga and your body with this yin class. We will ask mama Earth to hold our bodies tenderly, while we practice the subtle art of surrender. Camila will guide you through a series of sweet, simple postures with intentional Pranayama to soften your Being from your outer edges to your core. Going Yinwards is about creating space and ease deep within yourself- mentally, physically and emotionally, by becoming still and listening intently to your own body's wisdom. Accessible for all bodies with any range of yoga experience. Invitation to bring an eye cover if you wish for a full yinward experience."Props to bring: A blanket is essential. Yoga Mat. Optional: if you have them bring a bolster and blocks and if desired a scarf or eye pillow.

Release Yin & Breathwork
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Rebekah Ballagh

Explore practices derived from somatic therapies, yin yoga, breath work & mindful meditation to process emotions, regulate your nervous system & find embodied connection.

Ignite - Yin Yoga
10:15 am - 11:15 am
Elena Hill

Ignite - A Yin Yoga practice to support Joy and Creativity. Feeling stuck/stagnant or looking to reignite your passion for life? This TCM based practice is designed to reconnect you with the fire at your center, leading you towards what lights you up. Expect deep nourishment and support to fill your cup back up! Props needed : mat, optional extra: blanket/towel

Chakra Element Yoga Journey
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Sw. Karma Karuna

Embark on a yogic journey towards your true nature, guided by the wisdom of the chakras, your energy centres and the elements of earth water, fire, air and space. Experience yoga postures, breath techniques and a meditation practice moving from the grounding of the earth, through the flow of the water, activating the inspiration and energy of the fire element, tuning into the lightness of air and opening to the expansiveness of the space element. Learn to recognize and harness the energies of earth, water, fire, air, and ether within yourself to create a sense of balance in yourself and in connection to the natural world around you

Blindfold Yoga
12:45 pm - 1:45 pm
Kotte Aguilar

Here's what people can expect from this experience.A way to see, not to just look! A connection with all of your senses, they meet, they dance together and flow for you. Discover and explore your senses. One thing is to move and something else is to feel... We are covering our eyes to explore our bodies from the inside out. Sensing and playing with the depth of our breath and movement. Create a unique experience for yourself, where nothing matters but you. It will be a safe environment for you to deepen your body and awareness without worrying about looks or your neighbor on the mat next to you. A gentle yin class, no experience is required for this class, it is open to anyone interested in discovering more about themselves through yoga. Something to cover your eyes is required.

Yoga Moves- a Nia Hatha Flow
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Bex Deva

Combining the form of asana and breath with the expression and energetic flow of the Nia Technique - for an inspiring, adaptable, whole body experience. A blend of music, movement and mindfulness to leave you physically energised, mentally calm, emotionally balanced and joyful in spirit.

Total Yoga Nidra
3:15 pm - 4:30 pm
Jeanette Ida

Come rest, harmonise and integrate with Total Yoga Nidra , sound healing and mantra chanting. Bring blankets/cushions to be warm and comfortable.

Hip Opening Hatha
9:15 am - 10:15 am
Toni Hutton

Join “Hip Opening Hatha”, where we use the breath to guide the mind into our body, hearing our body speak and learning how to let go of tension held.We begin with a short meditation and connection to the breath. Then we gently stretch and strengthen the whole body, paying particular attention to the hip flexor to release any stuck energy. Working with the hip flexor helps us to let go of the ‘need to control’, of any negative feelings or pent-up emotions as well as unlocking and supporting our creativity. We close our practice with a resting posture to integrate our journey.Afterward the body and mind will feel rested and revitalised, ready for greatness.

Mind, Mantra & Meditation Experience
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Soreya James

The heart of Integration
11:45 am - 12:45 pm
Brooke Lila Devi

An integrated practice is one we can bring off the mat and into our everyday life, this is the foundation of Tantra yoga. Learn the key components of Tantra, the role of pleasure and desire and how our practice is more than the moments we spend on our yoga mat.

Gentle Hatha
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Finding Stillness Through Movement
2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Kate Fulton

The session will introduce and explore a graceful and gentle Yoga Synergy inspired flow. Yoga Synergy was developed by Sydney-based physiotherapists Simon Borg-Olivier and Bianca Machliss. It is specifically intended for Western bodies and lifestyles. A non-linear style adapted from multiple Eastern styles including Iyengar, Ashtanga and Shadow Yoga. This style releases modern day stress, particularly back and neck nervous, muscular and skeletal tension. It builds strength, core stability, balance and coordination, as well as flexibility. The style is soft and fluid allowing you to adapt to suit your body’s current fitness and flexibility.

Rhythmic Flow
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Vale Alvarez

Intermediate to Advanced

Human Design Workshop
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Erin Zen Warrior

Conscious Relationships & Inner Child Healing
10:15 am - 11:15 am
Monique Carmela

Do you desire deep connection, love, and intimacy in your relationship? To experience MAGIC, passion, and aliveness with your beloved? Or perhaps call in your dream partner who deeply aligns with you, your truth, and your values...In this talk, we explore the impact that childhood wounding, past trauma, and painful experiences have on your current relationships and how healing your inner child will support you in building conscious, harmonious, and deeply connected relationships, first and foremost with yourself so that you can THRIVE in life and your relationships, and receive the love you deserve!

Spinal Health Hatha
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Toni Hutton

Pranayama and Meditation: Unlock the Power Within
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Sw. Karma Karuna

Swami Karma Karuna will guide you through a practice exploring the profound connection between the breath as a tool to activate and balance prana, your vital energy and an ancient breath meditation practice with potent benefits for modern times, to enhance your overall well-being. Transcend unconscious boundaries by unlocking the storehouse of power within. Take away a treasure trove of simple practical techniques to enhance conscious living, empowering you to embrace a life of mindfulness, equanimity and vitality.

Program subject to change by divine intervention.