Swami Karma Karuna Saraswati is an engaging, intuitive yoga and meditation teacher, inspirational speaker, writer and IAYT certified Yoga Therapist with 30 plus years of experience in the yoga field including significant training in India with her teachers from the...
Tiffany has been teaching for the past 23 years & brings her passion & enthusiasm for yoga to all her classes. Originating from the UK Tiffany discovered Yoga whilst travelling in Nepal, attending a week course in an Ashram just outside Katmandu. Her...
An avid runner, Christine began practising yoga to help with training for her first marathon. At the time she didn’t expect yoga to become such an important part of her life! She began to experience how yoga provides peace of mind and creates a healthy, dynamic and...
Laura is passionate about fully involving into her own and everyone’s else wellbeing journey, so when she started running ultra marathons practicing yoga wasn’t far. It brought balance and harmony to her life and body when asking for a lot. Not only yoga but also...
Bex loves to share and connect with others through movement and mindfulness. Honouring the deep wisdom within us all and the great life force of creativity and celebration. She has studied and taught Nia and Yoga over 15 years and continues to learn and grow each day....