MMMYoga has been designed by Tracy Coyle, inspired by her Teacher Siva Rea.
Mindfulness Movement Meditation Yoga is DEEP ENTRAINMENT of all the body’s rhythms. It is the experience of embodying the flow. Breath-Induced movement meditation is our original form of meditation from as early as our oscillating movement in the womb to the rocking motion of our father and mother’s arms. Movement is life and therefore reconnects us to a natural flow where we are unbound, uninhibited, and alive with a creative current. You will feel alive with prana flow and sense of balance. We will move slowly with attention to breath and exploration of the poses and many sensations we will experience. As we look inside ourselves, listen and learn from our body’s language we will feel and embrace this sacred MMMYoga movement meditation flow increasing our energy levels leaving us with a feeling of aliveness and sense of internal wellness. We will practice always with openness and loving kindness free from judgement or comparison.

Tracy Coyle
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