Fitness and movement have always been a part of my life, it has taken me around the world and into various environments and settings. I have a background in competitive sports, strength & conditioning coaching and fitness
instruction, as an athlete first then coach. I have been involved in the industry for 18+ years and continue to learn and evolve through it. The last 4-5 years my practice and study has turned more towards yoga and mindfulness. I completed my initial 200hr Vinyasa in Rishikesh India, followed by a 300hr Shamanic Yoga course in Canada and a 200hr Yin/Yang yoga training here in New Zealand. I teach a variety of yoga classes, from a gentle flow, to power Vinyasa and down to a restorative yin. My philosophy is to celebrate all your body can do. To find the balance between working hard and easing back, and to know that fun can be intertwined into everything we do. My aim is to bring my experiences to each session and ignite the passion for movement through challenge, encouragement, and laughter.

Alison Bradley
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