
Michelle Sankey

Michelle is the owner of the new studio “My Secret Garden” in Onekawa, opening this Sanctuary for healing arts only 6 weeks ago! A keen herbalist and lover of all plant life, a poet, passionate life-long student of the mind/body/breath connection, studying Kung Fu for 12 years achieving a Black Belt First Dan and completing YTT in Bikram, Yin and Nidra as well as trainings in many other healing modalities.
Michelle teaches up to 9 Bikram Hot Yoga classes per week at Yippie Yopi Yoga Studio in Onekawa, weekly Yoga Nidra classes at My Secret Garden and co-creates regular ceremonies, workshops, classes and events incorporating Yin, Nidra, Cacao, Breathwork, Dance, Meditation, Art, Sound and more.
“This is my first time teaching at Hawkes Bay Yoga Festival and I am extremely excited about it! I’ll be guiding everyone through a soothing 45 minutes of Yoga Nidra followed by sound on Sunday morning and then sharing a Kawakawa journey with you on Sunday afternoon with Leamārie”

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