
Vanessa Lei

Vanessa Lei of Yoganess is a yoga and meditation teacher in Palmerston North.
Vanessa is passionate about teaching and helping others with their self care and health.  She believes that both yoga and meditation is key to a healthy lifestyle as it gives us the opportunity to step away from the demands, stresses and busyness of life and to look after ourselves in a holistic way.  With over 30 years experience in the fitness industry, Vanessa began her career as a part time group fitness instructor teaching step reebok, aerobics and gym circuit aerobic classes.    Vanessa has been teaching yoga for 10 years and
has a yoga studio in Palmerston North which she describes as a dream come true.
Vanessa is also very passionate about yoga retreats and hosts both bi- monthly retreat days at her studio and has just returned from her 5th annual international retreat to Bali, another dream come true

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