
Kotte Aguilar

Kotte Aguilar is a yoga, mindfulness and meditation teacher and practitioner, with a decade of experience Kotte has spent her years advocating for inclusive yoga spaces, accessible yoga in the community, not only financially but also physically. With a focus and passion on youth work, and a mission to decommercialize the industry and sharing yoga with all kinds of audiences, Kotte’s innovative ways to offer yoga will make you feel inspired. She’s a two time Tedx speaker, and was the first yoga teacher to win an award in the Exercise Industry awards representing yoga. She is a passionate yogi and a mental advocate, a youth leader, and she describes herself as an advocate of justice and speaker of the truth.

She is passionate about improving mental health in NZ, educating people about climate and exploring creative ways to tap into all the difficult topics that we are facing such as depression, abuse, assault, racism, discrimination. She has represented New Zealand in different continents and countries, such as Canada and Scotland, presenting to 1600 delegates from 85 countries.

Her passion is obvious, she is determined to changed the suicide youth stats in the country, recently completed for two years in a row a 24 hours of non stop yoga fundraising for I am hope, an organisation that offers therapy treatments free of charge for youth.

Since 2014 she has helped over 15.000 youth, kids and adults and counting!
Her yoga is fun, creative, unusual, she stands out by making yoga fun.
From yoga-hikes to yoga clean ups, helping create awareness about global issues.
Nominated and finalist for the Local Heroes awards at Westfield in 2023 Kotte’s passion shines in her work.

Join her at her new studio Being Wellness in Christchurch.

Fb : www.facebook.com/yogabykotte

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